
We are a wire service to the world's progressive forces.

Every day, the Wire translates stories, essays, and statements from Progressive International members and partner publications.

Our aim is to provide a diversity of perspectives on international issues. Publication in the Wire is not an endorsement from the Progressive International.


PI Briefing | No. 9 | Not a Labour of Love



A2larm / Africa Is a Country / Alborada / Arena / Bidayat / Brasil 247 / Brasil Wire / Bulatlat / CTXT / Collective Action in Tech / Colombia Informa / De Olho Nos Ruralistas / Declassified UK / Din Deng / Dissent / El Ciudadano / Feminism In India (FII) / Gazete Duvar / Himal Southasian / IndoPROGRESS / Internazionale / Jacobin / Jadaliyya / Jamhoor / Junputh / Krytyka Polityczna / Lausan Collective / Le vent se lève (LVSL) / Mada Masr / Mediapart / Mondoweiss / Mérce / New Bloom / Novara Media / Nueva Sociedad / Outras Palavras / Qiao Collective / Revista Común / Saharawi Voice / Sev Bibar / The Elephant / The Gravel Institute / The Nation / The Real News Network (TRNN) / The Wire / Venezuelanalysis / Znetwork / openDemocracy
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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell