Middle East & Northern Africa

Mada Masr

Mada is the Arabic word for span or scope, which is the field of coverage Mada Masr wants to construct and reconstruct.
Mada Masr, a member of our Wire coalition, is an independent, Egypt-based media organization interested in producing intelligent and engaging journalism, and more generally in re-examining the role of media in relation to its public.

It reports in Egypt in Arabic and English, with additional layers of insight or analysis, rather than simply immediately reporting on news. Mada Masr focuses on longer-form features, particularly in the areas of politics, the economy, culture and society.

Mada Masr invites actors from a wide array of fields to write for it, proposing critical and different ways of understanding. Through its journalism, Mada Masr cares about witnessing events and recounting them, in an attempt to create a truthful record about Egypt post-2011.

The paper provides an engaged and inquisitive kind of journalism that constantly challenges, raises questions and proposes different possibilities. The goal of journalism to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted and to give voice to the voiceless, is one that guides Mada Masr in what it covers, how it cover it and who its journalists speak to.

In producing journalism in both Arabic and English, Mada Masr is an active participant in the Egyptian media landscape, attracting the attention of a growing base of followers, while also taking part in the international conversation about Egypt from their position as insiders.

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