South Asia

Feminism In India (FII)

Feminism In India (FII) is an award-winning digital, intersectional and bilingual feminist media publication based out of New Delhi, India.
Feminism In India (FII) is an award-winning digital, intersectional and bilingual feminist media publication based out of New Delhi, India. It is founded and led by feminist activist and media entrepreneur Japleen Pasricha.

FII was created with a vision of increasing the representation of Indian women and marginalised communities on the internet – their stories and their histories. We amplify these usually unheard stories using digital storytelling techniques, pop culture references, and new media, in formats that have the maximum reach and impact on social media. Through our platform, we aim to create a generation of young people that are aware and educated about feminism and social justice. Available in both English and Hindi.

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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell