
WAELE Africa: Statement and Urgent Call on Sudan War

PI Member WAELE Africa issues an urgent call for a ceasefire and safe passage to those affected by the war in Sudan.
Since fighting broke out on 15 April, nearly three thousand people have been injured according to the World Health Organization. PI member WAELE Africa calls on both sides to return to the negotiating table.

The President, Executives and entire Membership of Women Advancement for Economic and Leadership Empowerment in Africa (WAELE AFRICA Foundation), on behalf of WAELE Sudan, are extremely worried and concerned about the ongoing war in Sudan between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, which started on the 15th of April, 2023.

As a result of this war, hundreds of innocent civilians and others have been killed, and continuous bombing and shooting with heavy weaponry has been used by both sides.

As a peace-loving women's organization, we therefore call on both sides to immediately stop the war and return to the negotiating table in order to bring sustainable peace to Sudan!

We therefore appeal to regional and international communities to stand with Sudan at this crucial moment to stop the war and provide relief and safe evacuation to those affected!


  • Otunba Basirat Niasse, President
  • Princess Jummai Idonije, Secretary General
  • Barrister Samia Babiker, Deputy President
  • Ustaza. Sadia Eisa Ismail, Sudan National Coordinator

Photo: Sudan Doctors Union

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