
Progressive International election observer mission lands in Bolivia

"Our delegation arrives as friends of all movements fighting for popular sovereignty across the planet.”
The Progressive International (PI) has sent a delegation of MPs to observe Bolivia’s elections, which take place on Sunday 18 October 2020. PI’s observer mission arrives tomorrow, Thursday 15 October, and will spend one week in Bolivia monitoring the election and its aftermath.

PI’s decision to convene MPs from Greece, Spain and Poland to observe the elections follows widespread concern over the transparency and fairness of election observation in Bolivia. The Organization for American States (OAS) election observer mission was severely criticised for its role in last year’s coup, which saw President Evo Morales unconstitutionally removed from office following his victory in the first round of presidential elections.

The delegation consists of Sofia Sakorafa, a member of the Hellenic Parliament and a representative of MeRA25, the electoral wing of DiEM25 in Greece, Maciej Konieczny, a member of the Polish Sejm and a co-founder of Lewica Razem, Poland's leading left-wing political party, and Gerardo Pisarello, a member of the Spanish Congress of Deputies and of the movement known as Catalunya en Comú. MeRA25, through DiEM25, has been a member of the Progressive International since launch in May 2020. The delegation marks the entry of Lewica Razem and Catalunya en Comú to the membership of the Progressive International.

Speaking on behalf of Progressive International, council member and former Argentine diplomat Alicia Castro said:

“We want to contribute to the transparency of the electoral process and help secure its credibility. The Progressive International — with its members and partners throughout Latin America and the world — is particularly concerned about the integrity of the presidential elections in Bolivia, given that any resulting political instability could drastically harm the health of the Bolivian people during the pandemic.”

David Adler, member of the Progressive International’s Cabinet and coordinator of the Bolivia delegation, said:

“Democracy is in critical condition — in Bolivia, across Latin America, and around the world. We embark on this mission to help ensure that the people of Bolivia exercise their rights freely and fairly, and to send a signal to authoritarian forces everywhere that we stand ready to defend our democracies. Since the launch of the Progressive International, our aim has been clear: to make solidarity more than a slogan. Our delegation arrives to La Paz as friends and representatives of all movements fighting for popular sovereignty and self-determination across the planet.”

Photo: Flickr

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