
Ne davimo Beograd

A growing municipalist movement fighting for just urban spaces and building power from the bottom up in Belgrade, Serbia.
Ne davimo Beograd is a local political movement that is gathering large numbers of people interested in improving the living and working conditions of all our citizens; improving, conserving, and lawfully using common and natural resources, building democratic institutions, sustainable urban development, urban and cultural policies and incorporating citizens into the development of their environment.

Locally, the movement grew out of a series of mass protests against the theft of the Sava Amphitheater and the phantom demolition of buildings on Hercegovacka Street for the purposes of the Belgrade Waterfront project.

Nationally, the initiative is part of the Civic Front along with 7 other authentic local movements. This association brings together in the Front similar local movements animated by the principles of solidarity, equality, social security and tolerance for the removal of authoritarian rule, the democratization of society, the fight against poverty, and the preservation of public and natural assets.

Internationally, the Ne davimo Beograd initiative is part of a growing wave of local municipalist movements. The Ne davimo Beograd election list was supported by many European movements and over 80 progressive intellectuals across Europe, including Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau, Berlin Deputy Mayor Ramona Pop, Yanis Varoufakis of the Diem25 movement, and Ska Keller of the Greens–European Free Alliance political group in the European Parliament. As a result of its international reputation and support, in June 2019, a major international conference, Fearless Cities, was held in Belgrade, bringing together representatives of over 60 local municipal movements from cities across Europe.

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