
Wiphalas Across the World

Wiphalas por el Mundo is the progressive and revolutionary unitary response of Bolivian residents abroad to the racist-fascist coup d'état, perpetrated by the US-UK imperialist alliance, the European Parliament and the OAS.Wiphalas por el Mundo is the progressive and revolutionary unitary response of Bolivian residents abroad to the racist-fascist coup d'état, perpetrated by the US-UK imperialist alliance, the European Parliament and the OAS.
Wiphalas por el Mundo, constituted in December 2019, is the progressive and revolutionary unitary response of Bolivian residents abroad, to the racist-fascist coup d'état, perpetrated by the US-UK imperialist alliance, the European Parliament and the OAS, the obedient Creole oligarchy servant of savage capitalism and the conservative hierarchy of the Catholic Church, seeks to reverse our independent, sovereign and dignified development with freedom, to reimpose the neoliberal economic policy and thus take back our national wealth and resources: botanical, mining, hydrocarbon and especially lithium.

Wiphalas por el Mundo, being an organization identified with the anti-imperialist popular democratic revolution, the aspiration for national independence and social demands, historically sustained by the vast majority of indigenous-natives, workers, students and Bolivian social movements:

  • Bases the UNION of its political-social behavior on the struggle for democratic, popular, national liberation, anti-colonial, anti-patriarchal, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-fascist power, for the defense and deepening of the POLITICAL AND CULTURAL REVOLUTION OF THE PROCESS OF CHANGE, towards SOCIALISM.
  • It is considered a consistent interpreter of the political ideological principles of LIVING WELL (SUMA QAMAÑA)
  • It is a firm defender of democracy, freedom, solidarity, and human rights.
  • Fights for the preservation of life seriously threatened by environmental pollution, caused by the great military industry and capitalist consumerism. Do not allow our PACHAMAMA to die!  (Mother Earth)
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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell