
The World Transformed

An annual festival running alongside the UK Labour Party conference and a year-round political education project.
The World Transformed (TWT) is an annual festival running alongside the UK Labour Party conference and year-round political education project working to build left power both inside and outside of Parliament.

Our 4-day festival of politics, arts and music began in 2016 in the context of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party, and has since become the biggest political education event in the UK. It brings together grassroots activists, left-wing politicians, academics and artists, as well as people new to politics, to engage in discussions, debates and cultural activities, build relationships and strategize for the struggle ahead.

In 2018, Derby Transformed organised the very first local TWT event. Since then, we have seen over 20 local groups establish themselves and organise local and regional events ranging from a single day to three day festivals in their own communities. TWT works to develop resources and run trainings to support the growth of the Transformed network and those interested in organising political education.

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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell