
Migrants Organise

A platform for refugees and migrants.
Migrants Organise provides a platform for refugees and migrants to organise for power, dignity and justice. It was established in 1993 by migrants and refugees in London, and it has since developed into a unique grassroots migrant organisation which combines direct advice and support services with advocacy, research, training and campaigning across the UK and internationally.

At Migrants Organise we believe that migration is a fact of life, and instead of resisting it, we should organise it. Our aim is to connect with each other and allies, grow our power through learning and organising, build common ground through mobilising, speak out and act for dignity and justice.

We believe that, if given half a chance, refugees and migrants can rebuild their lives, thrive and make a positive contribution to their communities of arrival. We know that vulnerable people are not just the sum of their suffering, but resilient survivors. Our work aims to support everyone to achieve their full potential and in the process build a just society where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell