South America

People's Congress

A social and political movement based in Colombia with chapters in Europe and Latin America.
The People's Congress is a social and political movement based in Colombia with chapters in Europe and Latin America. Founded in 2010, it is a process of popular legislation through mandates that are born from accumulated knowledge and proposals for a dignified life for the peoples that defend their territories.

The People's Congress bring together regional, sectoral processes, including processes, peasants, Afro-descendants, indigenous, urban, workers, women, youth, among others. It is dedicated to implementing its mandates consolidating popular power in the territories creating an internationalist alternative against patriarchy, capitalism, colonialism and imperialism, from training, communication, social mobilization, denouncing human rights violations, establishing its own economy and defending peace as a fundamental right of the people.

The mandates of the Peoples Congress built in Congress that brought together between 15 and 20 thousand delegates from the various territories of Colombia and its members abroad are:

  1. Land, Territory and Sovereignty: to acknowledge what our communities do every day to establish and build our territories and regions, striving always for autonomy and self‐determination.
  2. A life-friendly economy that opposes legislated plunder: We confront a production model in which plunder and inequality have been the general rule. We put forward a different and equally feasible economic logic, one in which people live in harmony with nature.
  3. Building power for better living: Politics and power dynamics understood as a process and a means for liberating the potentialities of social and natural life so that they may regain their integrity.
  4. Culture, Diversity, and an Ethic of the Commons: Acknowledging the many ways in which we build life in common – understanding ourselves as a country of diversity.
  5. Life, Justice and Paths to Peace: A country for one and all is impossible without a commitment to peace and justice. The social and natural inequality produced by the dominant model is the essence of conflict. Therefore, the framework in which we strive to overcome conflict is not short‐term or partial; rather, it flows from the nature of life itself and the web of interrelations that it forms.
  6. Rights violations and default on agreements: Throughout centuries of struggle, our agreements with governments have been betrayed, misinterpreted, broken, and disrespected. Similarly, our rights have been systematically violated and ignored. As an exercise in memory that strengthens and undergirds our struggle, we must bring this history to light, showing how our interests have been left out of the picture.
  7. Integration of Peoples, Globalization of the Struggle: Our vision does not stop at the borders of Colombia. The peoples of Latin America and the whole world are bringing forward other visions of the world, other ways of organizing international relations that better correspond to our agenda.

Our challenge is to combine them into a set of cohesive messages and to convey those messages to the world.

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