
Common Wealth

Common Wealth is a progressive think tank designing ownership models for a more democratic and sustainable economy.
Common Wealth aims for the steady and irreversible replacement of today’s unequal, extractive economy with one where freedom, solidarity, and dignity are a universal inheritance.

"We join with countless others in the struggle for a world that is democratic, decolonised, and just. Liberated from all forms of oppression, sustainable and solidaristic in purpose, and pluralistic and prosperous in action, our internationalism seeks a world where we share in common the wealth we create together.

Anchoring that must be a new era of democratic ownership that puts people and planet first, creating a global economy in which wealth and power are fairly shared within and beyond borders. Against the Amazons of the world, the need for an internationalism of genuine equity and voice is more urgent than ever."

Mathew Lawrence, Common Wealth Director

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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell