
Central de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA-T)

The Central de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA-T) organizes, leads and represents workers in both the public and private sectors throughout the country.
The CTA advocates Latin American unity on the road to the construction of the Patria Grande

The Central de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA-T) organizes, leads and represents workers in both the public and private sectors throughout the country. It is present in every province of Argentina, organizing, leading and representing workers from both the public and private sectors throughout Argentina. Unions and federations of workers, social organizations, cooperatives and non-profit civil associations that accept the principles, purposes and foundations of the CTA may adhere to it.

Our union defines itself as an integral part of the national, popular, democratic, anti-imperialist and feminist movement; it promotes the practice of a socio-political unionism that transcends the limits of corporate demands, however legitimate they may be; it promotes the autonomy of the working class without implying neutrality towards financial corporations and the nucleus of de facto power that represent the ruling classes.

The CTA advocates Latin American unity on the road to the construction of that Patria Grande which in Latin America has been denied to us by the combined efforts of the ruling classes of our countries and imperialism. Likewise, it is united with the working class and the peoples of the world who fight for their emancipation. Our central has as its historical mission to comprehensively represent the working class. For this reason, it intertwines the demands and struggles of the native peoples, of the peasant movement, of the workers of worker-owned enterprises and cooperatives, of the unemployed workers of neighborhood organizations.

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