
Post Growth Institute

An international, not-for-profit organization seeking to restore human and planetary wellbeing by evolving systems that circulate money, power, and resources.
The world’s first group to integrate macro, micro, and community economy perspectives into a holistic vision for a sustainable future, the PGI’s work covers three interrelated levels.

At the big picture level (macro economics), we highlight the value of monetary circulation through initiatives such as Free Money Day, a global, annual event to spark conversations about alternative economic systems; and publish comprehensive research to strengthen not-for-profit financial institutions and outline a framework for a post-capitalist, full-circle economy. At the level of institutions (micro economics), we enable not-for-profit businesses to start and scale through a range of training and consultancy programs. And at the community level (community economics), we help people rediscover a sense of belonging and empowerment through activities like the Offers and Needs Market, while elevating the voices and achievements of others working toward similar goals.

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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell