

The Left (Slovene: Levica) is a green and democratic socialist political party from Slovenia.
The party was established on 24 June 2017 by the merger of the Party for Sustainable Development of Slovenia (TRS) and Initiative for Democratic Socialism (IDS).

The party is a successor of the left-wing electoral alliance, the United Left. In the first parliamentary elections in 2014, we succeeded in obtaining 6 seats in the national assembly, a result that we improved to 9 MPs in 2018. The main focus of our struggle was anti-privatisation campaigns in the context of the financial crisis, improvement of minimum wage laws and workers' protection in cooperation with trade unions, anti-imperialism and opposition to NATO membership, as well as numerous actions for protection of the environment from local to state level.

We in the Left consider international cooperation one of the most important tools in the promotion of progressive ideals. We are thus happy to join Progressive international as a platform of global progressive integration, cooperation and solidarity. This form of organisation is desperately needed in times of global menace of far right and unbridled activities of multinational corporations.

Violeta Tomić, Chairwoman of the Council of The Left

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