Central America

Guatemalan Trade Union, Indigenous and Farmer Movement (MSICG)

The MSICG is a socio-political effort that emerged with the aim of building organized social power.
The Guatemalan Trade Union, Indigenous and Farmer Movement (MSICG) is a class-based, democratic and left-wing trade union center.

It is composed of workers organizations from all sectors of the national economy, voluntarily unionized to form organized social power, face the structural problems of Guatemala, build democracy, fight social exclusion in all its manifestations and achieve social justice.

The MSICG works arduously for the recovery of class identity as the basic premise for organized social power to fulfill its transformative function, and seeks to generate trade unionism with a geopolitical vocation based on solidarity, internationalism and class congruence.

The MSICG featured in a recent documentary, "Guatemala — The Eternal Dawn", which highlights their urgent struggle. You can watch it here.

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