
App Drivers & Couriers Union (ADCU)

A grassroots trade union for drivers and couriers.
We aim to represent all UK private hire drivers & couriers in the UK. We are honest and hard working people who are often badly treated by employers and the regulators.

With a strong collective voice we will be heard, we will demand change and will make a better future for all private hire drivers.

Our industry is changing rapidly but drivers have a weak voice. Our incomes are in crisis with drivers falling below the poverty line as global corporations move in to exploit drivers at an unprecedented scale.

Our regulators do nothing to protect and seem intent on discrimination and making operating conditions more difficult than ever before. The human cost is great with many families under severe strain, absent parents working 90 hours a week and debt levels rising.

We say enough is enough.

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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell