
ACT Wazalendo

Alliance for Change and Transparency
A movement that aims to create a free, progressive and successful Tanzania whose foundations will be freedom, responsibility, and transparency.

The ACT (Alliance for Change and Transparency) Wazalendo Party was founded in 2014 and is a party that continues to grow rapidly in Tanzania. They are a movement that aims to create a free, progressive and successful Tanzania whose foundations will be freedom, responsibility, and transparency.

Our vision is for Tanzania to take progressive steps through: 1) To build a cooperative economy that is thriving and growing and able to create jobs; 2) Strong infrastructure that stimulates all sectors of the emerging economy; 3) Access to quality education; 4) Access to quality health services for all; 5) To build an independent and professional police institution so that it can serve and protect all people; 6) A union that puts the interests of all parties forward, fair and equitable will be based on the Constitution of the people; 7) The fight against corruption and all forms of corruption; 8) Provision of improved social security for the underprivileged, the poor and other disadvantaged people; 9) Housing that people can afford, and accessible to all; 10) Access to clean and safe water for all people.

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