Central America

Partido Libertad y Refundación (LIBRE)

Partido Libertad y Refundación was founded in 2011 in the wake of the US-backed coup against then-president Manuel Zelaya, LIBRE has built a “broad front of popular resistance” in Honduras, leading the struggle to reclaim the country’s democracy from the grips of military control.
LIBRE is constituted as a broad, democratic, revolutionary and inclusive political force, the largest political force in the country. The party — led by Honduras’ first woman president, Xiomara Castro — defeated the coup regime at the ballot box in 2021, restored democracy and has charted a new course for Honduras.

LIBRE works to build a “democratic and socialist State,” including bolstering and restructuring public services and infrastructure, providing free, basic electricity to millions of the poorest Hondurans, and restoring democratic legitimacy of the state.

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