Latin America

Federação Única dos Petroleiros (FUP)

The FUP was founded in 1994 following years of organising within Brazil’s oil giant Petrobras, which itself was formed in 1953.
The union is proud of its independence - from the state, Petrobras’ management and political parties - and its deep rootedness to Brazil’s popular classes, their democratic demands, social movements and civil society organisations. It is a member of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT), Latin America’s largest trade union federation, representing 7.5 million workers.

FUP’s membership, which stands at over 100,000, spans workers, retirees, and pensioners in the Petrobras System as well as oil workers in private companies.FUP is at the forefront of social struggle in Brazil. Alongside its primary purpose of representing oil workers, the union engages in forceful defence of sovereignty and resistance to projects that are harmful to the Brazilian people. As such, FUP advances the rights of its members and the entire population, strengthening democracy and universalising citizenship.

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