
Movement Together

Movement Together (Lëvizja Bashkë) is a left-wing political party in Albania.
Movement Together (Lëvizja Bashkë), a left-wing political party, was founded in December 2022 by the political group Organizata Politike after 12 years of activism in social struggles and in solidarity with workers, students and citizens.

The party’s members have helped workers set up new and independent trade unions in many sectors of the industry, such as chromium miners (SMBB), petrol refinery workers (SNB), call-centre workers (Solidariteti) and garment workers. They have marched with these workers, been arrested and beaten up by the guards of the oligarchs who have usurped these economic sectors. They have struggled with students for free access to public universities against a neoliberal reform with the Movement for University (LPU). They have run campaigns for public transport, against the occupation of public spaces by skyscrapers and for a basic minimum income.

As Movement Together, they continue this struggle for social justice and take it into the electoral arena. 

The Movement Together proudly positions itself on the left side of the political spectrum, in a country where a genuine left-wing political force has been absent for 30 years. Those parties that formally bear that name have served the interests of the economic oligarchy and their governing platform has nothing to distinguish them from the neoliberal right-wing. 

Movement Together is the voice of: 

  • the voiceless workers who confront starvation every day; 
  • the unemployed who are begging for work by the side of the pavement; 
  • the disillusioned young people who shall stay and fight this political elite instead of leaving the country; 
  • the small bakery that is being gobbled up by the oligarch’s conglomerate; 
  • the nurses and doctors who provide their service in depleted working conditions.
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