South Asia

Andhra Pradesh Vyvasaya Vruthidarula Union

A union federation of rural informal workers in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India.
APVVU represents almost 700.000 agricultural workers, marginal farmers, fisher folk, indigenous people, shepherds, and rural artisans across the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, where it champions a wide array of progressive causes, ranging from land reform to living wages.

"For decades, APVVU has been advocating and organizing mass action for living wages, abolition of bonded and child labour, realizing gender parity, and protecting the human rights of Dalit people, liberating and improving the lives of thousands of people in the process. Along the way, we joined forces with other movements and organizations at all levels because we know that the challenges we face today are rooted in a global system of corporate greed. The tyranny market forces hold over the livelihood, food security, identity, culture and future of working people must come to an end and this can only be achieved through collective global action with a shared vision for social justice, equity, and sustainability. APVVU joins the Progressive International firmly believing that it will enable us to build the necessary global common front to realize this vision."

Photo by Roderick Polak

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