
Movimiento Semilla

Progressive, democratic and plural political party from Guatemala
Born as a result of the protests and popular demands against a regime of corruption and impunity

We are a progressive, democratic and plural political party, born in 2019 as a result of the protests and popular demands of our country against a regime of corruption and impunity, expressed in historic days of social mobilization in 2015; composed of Guatemalan men and women, who seek welfare, peace building, promote unity and fight against corruption. It is governed by the principles of democracy, equity, plural country, human economy and respect for nature.

In our first electoral campaign, we won seven seats in the Congress of the Republic. In our second election, the elections of 2023, we won 23 deputies and the electoral victory of the presidency and vice-presidency in the second round, facing attacks and threats of coup d'état.

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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell