San Francisco, USA

Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC)

The Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC) serves poor and working class Arab and Muslim immigrants and organizes their community to build power and overturn the social systems perpetuating forced migration, racism, exploitation, war and imperialism.
We connect with and organize around local struggles of Arabs and other Black and Brown communities, and understand AROC as a vehicle to help our people make those connections and to organize to change our conditions, and to change the world.

Some of our campaign victories include our leadership in the Stop Urban Shield coalition and the defunding and ending of the largest militarized police training in the world, Urban Shield; instituting Arabic as a language pathway in San Francisco Unified School District; and working with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU Local 10) to indefinitely stop the largest Israeli shipping line, Zim, from docking at the Port of Oakland.

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