

A labor NGO headquartered in France, operating globally.
ReAct's mission is to grow the power of people exploited by transnational corporations by helping workers and communities organize across national and cultural borders.

"As economic inequalities and environmental crises intensify, the power the few hold over the many currently increases. Since its foundation a decade ago, ReAct has sought to fight this dynamic transnationally by creating networks of trade union activists working as linchpins of wider movements for social and democratic progress. Our experience has taught us that doing so successfully requires much more than just awareness of the interests working people share globally. What is needed, is to organize at every level: from the local to the global. While our focus has been on renewing and revitalizing trade union internationalism, we recognize that structural transformation towards social justice is only possible when progressives engaged in seemingly different struggles – be they feminist, anti-racist, environmentalist, or otherwise – join forces. To us, this is what global solidarity should look like: a common progressive front across all geographic and identitarian divides. ReAct joins the Progressive International to help realize this vision."

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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell