Southern Africa

Namibian Domestic and Allied Workers Union

A Namibian union fighting for respect and dignitity for domestic workers.
NDAWU organizes Namibia's domestic workers and strives for a society marked by dignity, democracy, and people's power.

"NDAWU has been promoting the interests of domestic workers, nannies, child-minders, gardeners, and employees at dry-cleaners and kindergartens since 1990. These workers, most of whom are female, are among the most vulnerable and poorly paid employees in Namibia – a position they share with their counterparts all over the world. Changing this position requires a deep transformation of our society, which NDAWU believes can only happen through the promotion and popularization of the principles of democracy and people’s power. These principles go hand in hand with our core values of international friendship, cooperation, and solidarity with working people and their organizations around the world. NDAWU joins the Progressive International to move toward the realization of these principles and values, from the local, through the national, to the global level."

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