South Asia

Solidarity Party of Afghanistan

Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA) is a progressive political party, established on 17 April 2004. The Party is part of the struggle against reactionary forces of all kinds.
For many years its founders have operated underground, faced with extremely difficult conditions imposed by successive treacherous, anti-people regimes.

SPA struggles for freedom, independence, democracy and social justice. The Party considers Afghanistan an occupied country, ruled by a puppet regime. SPA is one of the few political forces in the country which is national and multi-ethnic.

The Party is mostly known for its protests around Afghanistan and its uncompromising and outspoken politics. These activities have led to frequent arrest and humiliation of party supporters at the hands of the security forces.

In June 2012, SPA was banned, but later on, due to pressure from Afghan citizens and support of international freedom-loving organizations and figures, the Afghan government reversed its anti-democratic decision.

Despite this hostile political environment, SPA is growing rapidly, especially among the young, many of whom see the party as a vehicle to arrive at a prosperous and free Afghanistan. Hambastagi Ghag (Voice of Solidarity) is the official monthly gazette of the party, published in Persian and Pashto.

Our Objectives

  • A united, independent, free and democratic Afghanistan;
  • National unity on the basis of an established, consolidated, secular-based democracy;
  • Equality among women and men, and all ethnic groups in the country;
  • Struggle against all brands of fundamentalism, reactionary forces and foreign interference;
  • Immediate withdrawal of US-NATO occupation forces from Afghanistan;
  • Defending the emancipatory and progressive struggles of captive nations of the world.

How You Can Help?

  • Join us and become an active member of the party (for Afghans only);
  • Introduce SPA objectives and activities within your community;
  • Arrange fund raising events;
  • Donate electronic devices such as digital cameras, laptops etc.;
  • Translate and disseminate our statements and articles;
  • Like and share our social media pages.
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