
Todos Somos Colombia

Political party in Colombia
The party Todos Somos Colombia, is a political party with legal personality, pluralist, with a commitment to popular power

The party Todos Somos Colombia, is a political party with legal personality, pluralist, with a commitment to popular power, made up of individuals, social, trade and community organizations, who respect difference, ensure the defense of the Social Rule of Law and share the vision of a diverse, inclusive, democratic and participatory nation, whose genesis lies in the realization and safeguarding of the rights contained in the peace agreements, in particular in the measures agreed to promote political pluralism and equality of conditions in political competition in Colombia and the promotion of access to the political system with the objective of consolidating peace; organized for the consolidation of complete peace, in its dimensions of peace with economic and social justice, peace with full democracy, peace with reconciliation, international peace, peace with respect for the public treasury, peace with nature, peace with security, peace with respect and peace with dignity for all persons, communities and territories, within a solidarity model of sustainable development.

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